
Mr. Darío Villanueva Prieto

Professor of Literary Theory and Comparative Literature at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where he held the position of rector from 1994 to 2002. Director of the Royal Spanish Academy since 2014. Honorary president of the Spanish General and Comparative Literature Society. Recipient of honorary degrees from ten universities in the United Kingdom, Sweden, the United States, Spain, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Argentina and Peru. In 1973 he published El Jarama de Sánchez Ferlosio. Su estructura y significado, and began to publish literary theory in the Barcelona magazine Camp de l’Arpa. His preeminent works include El polen de ideas. Teoría, Crítica, Historia y Literatura Comparada (1991), Trayectoria de la novela hispanoamericana actual (1991), Estructura y tiempo reducido en la novela (second edition, 1994) and Teorías del realismo literario (1992.) He has also published essays on Valle-Inclán, Quevedo, and his Imágenes de la ciudad. Poesía y cine, de Whitman a Lorca (2015) was awarded the International Humanistic Research Prize by the Sociedad Menéndez Pelayo. He is an ex officio member of the Council of State. He has been an elective and independent member of board of the Barrié Foundation since 2017.